What is Lymphatic Drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a form of gentle bodywork which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back toward the heart. The lymphatic system is a superficial body system that collects debris and metabolic waste and flushes it out of the body through the lymph nodes and a duct system within the body.

Lymphatic drainage helps to relieve swelling and inflammation that occurs when medical treatment, illness, toxins, or other environmental factors backup and block the lymphatic system.

There are many conditions that can be positively influenced with lymphatic drainage, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic venous insufficiency, or lipedema. Clients who have had medical procedures can often find a reduction in painful swelling and lessened healing time. Liposuction, reductions or enhancements, and other cosmetic procedures can also cause blockages in the lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage can help to reduce post-op swelling, pain, and some of the fibrosis (thickening) of the tissues. Increased circulation, oxygen return, improved immunity, and improved wellness can all be supported with lymphatic drainage. 

It is important to prepare for a lymphatic drainage session to help your body be in the best position to take the post advantage of the treatment. The muscles are the “pumps” of the lymphatic system , so movement of the body in the days before a lymphatic session will help cause lymph to move as naturally as possible. Proper hydration is also very important to receiving the most benefits from a lymphatic drainage treatment. It is best to move as much as possible and hydrate thoroughly for at least 3-5 days prior to a lymphatic drainage treatment. 

If a client has blood clots, an infection, is taking antibiotics, has kidney failure, or has certain heart conditions, it is best to consult a physician before having a lymphatic drainage treatment session.